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The piriformis is located in your gluteal region below several muscles. The sciatic nerve can lay below, between, or above the piriformis. Hence, if the piriformis is tight or inflamed, you may get sciatica type symptoms of numbness and pain shooting down your leg. The piriformis stabilizes the pelvis originating along the sacrum and inserting along the pelvis. The sacrum is strongly rooted in feeling safe and having all of your basic needs of food, water, shelter, and safety met. When any of these components are out of balance, the piriformis will do its part to tighten up out of fear. Fear of the past and fear of the future. The tighter the piriformis gets, the more the pain will radiate to signal that you are not feeling safe and supported. This forward moving muscle can easily hold you back. Here is a montra to say as you hold this stretch using the releaser ball.

I allow life to unfold and have faith that all will work out as it should.

I am in complete peace with where I have been and where I am going.

I know that I am safe.

Here is a fabulous metaphysical article on sciatic pain that may help to give insight into your pain. https://ravenstarshealingroom.wordpress.com/2017/03/26/the-metaphysics-of-sciatic-and-peripheral-pain/

Found in this article: Sciatica may indicate doubt or fear about where you are going and your ability to cope with what lies ahead. Are you concerned about where you are going and what is going to happen?



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