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Peace be within you

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The things we learned don’t always come from books. They come from our life experiences, the people we meet, and the experiences of other people that remind us that every day is a gift, every person in our life, every experience we have is a gift. Just like at Christmas and birthdays, when we receive a gift we have the choice to love it, push it aside, or dislike it. Yet in everything you receive, there is always beauty. If we can open our eyes to the beauty of all the gifts we receive, then we shall find the peace and happiness that was intended in the coming of Christ, the true meaning of Christmas.

The person that is upsetting you, look at them as a blessing for teaching you how not to act or show them love and compassion. The gift that you didn’t receive, but really wanted, look at as your opportunity to save and earn it. The gift will take on a whole new meaning. If no one got you anything that you wanted and you feel like no one cares or even knows you, look at this as a gift to share more of yourself with others so that they will know you. Maybe the message there was that you have separated yourself from everyone, they still care and wanted to get you something, so they did the best that they could. Whatever your scenario is this Christmas, find beauty. Find peace. Find the way of the Lord. The peace and love that comes from the Lord, that dwells inside of you will never be found in a tangible gift. It won’t be found in the holiday meal. It won’t be found anywhere outside of you. Peace and love stem from the inside of you where God dwells. God came as a baby to show us all that he dwells inside of each and every one of us; therefore, that peace and love of God is inside of us for us to bring out and share onto this world.

The best gift of all is you. You woke up this morning. You are apart of this world and you make a huge contribution. God bless you and have a very, very blessed holiday. 


Voyage to HEAL Weekly Thoughts:

Stretch: Puff your belly out like the jolly old man as you inhale. Feel the expansion and wonderful stretch from the inside out. 

Exercise: Get on all 4s and reach one arm out and stretch the opposite leg behind you. Do this slowly and controlled with your core muscles engaged.

Habitual Change: Reach for a piece of fruit rather than a cookie or use a small plate for meals rather than a large plate. I found myself eating way too many cookies just because they were there. I made a bowl of trail mix instead so that I could snack on that rather than the cookies. I have made myself eat one piece at a time to really enjoy the flavor. I’ve come to notice that how I eat, fast or slow, big handfuls or small, really reflects my mood. When I can slow down and be aware of what I am doing, my eating habits greatly improve. 

Perspective Enlightenment: Say to yourself, “I can find peace in this moment.”

If you are struggling to see the gift inside of you, to see the gift that you are, I encourage you to take the full Voyage to HEAL on-line process and join us for the Weekend Excursion to start you along your Voyage to HEAL. Click the link below to register and give this amazing gift to yourself.

Voyage To HEAL Weekend Excursion January 10th & 11th, 2020 (Local Live Class)

Godspeed on your Voyage to HEAL.



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